Friday 7 July 2017

Friday, 7th July, Piable, North Uist to Tarbert, North Harris.... 42.1miles 2073 ft

We spent a cosy, comfortable night in our 'hut' at the Tractor Shed. Fiona C., Fiona D., Isla and I in a family hut and Fiona L., Toni, Carol and Sue in the luxury of the Bunkroom in the main building. Linda and Jillian had a hook up for Cilla 2. All happy, a bargain at £16.25 per night. The first crisis occurred when Toni locked herself in the shower room, we heard her plaintiff cry for help and summoned our host, Duncan. Duncan who is the most laid back person you could possibly meet produced a 10 pence piece, fiddled with the lock and a relieved Toni was released.  The same thing happened to Isla, we were all waiting on her, then faintly in the distance we heard 'Help, help' . this time we knew what to do and a happy Isla emerged.  Linda/Jillian had provided a delicious breakfast box full of goodies - porridge, yoghurt, juices, cereal, bread and so on- so after breakfast we were ready to roll. A quick photo call beside Duncan's peat stack and we were off. Weather was dry with a cross wind changing to tail wind, perfect.  We turned west hugging the coast of North Uist, surrounded by small lochs and machair, the terrain was undulating but the more hilly South Harris  awaited.  All the islands are different offering their own charm.  We arrived in Berneray in good time to catch the 1.30pm to Leverburgh, South Harris.  The plan was to have lunch in Cilla 2 on the ferry, but this was not to be so we waited till landing in Leverburgh. Linda and Jillian provided a delicious lunch of egg sandwiches, cheese sandwiches, cheese and biscuits (curtisy of Fiona L., ) and birthday cake.   It was with some reluctance that we staggered out of Cilla 2 and resumed our journey.  However it was to prove very rewarding, we travelled the west route and were treated to stunning views of the famous beaches of Scarista and Luskentyre.  The island of Taransay nestled in the distance.  The road was becoming quite hilly now but we knew our destination of Tarbert wasn't far away so struggled on.   It was with some relief that we arrived at The Backpackers Hostel.  More brilliant accommodation for just £20 per night, we have 2 x 4 rooms with breakfast provided. Linda/Jillian and wee Flo are in a car park just up the road. No facilities here for Cilla 2.   We were running a bit late so after some hasty showers or no showers we appeared at the Harris Hotel for dinner.   Another fab dinner, with the usual weather and history reports.  Linda reported that Kim's operation has been a success and she is back home on Arran with the prognosis of excellent recovery. Go Kim go !!!  Group photos were taken wearing our OH tops, how difficult is it to take a photo of 10 Belles !!!  I was losing the will to live, what a crew !!  Now back in the Hostel we are all settled fro the night. Tomorrow is our last day, looking dry in the morning with rain in the afternoon, tailwind, no problem to the hardy Arran Belles.  The trip has been wonderful, the Outer Hebrides living up to expectations.  Stornoway here we come !!!

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